July 24, 2011

UK Edition: Just Another Walk

My time here is coming to an end and I leave for my real home in Wisconsin in less than five days. It has been such a fun experience in so many ways, I don't know how to put words to it. Its bittersweet knowing I'll be leaving this week but I am excited to see my family and friends when I get home!

The scenery is brilliant, maybe because it is different from the normal back home. I can't stop looking at it and enjoying what I'm seeing. I took pictures of some of the sights on the way home from work the other day. If I lived here forever I would not tire of being surrounded by these sights. Most of these pictures are from Cold Bath Road in Harrogate (you know, in case you want to see them for yourself one day).

Brick buildings, green trees, iron fences, flower gardens. You will be missed but I'm glad to have met you. 

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